Hello folks!,
I’m here again!, if you are an enthusiast of Linux, and you want to have one application with more “compatibility” with Microsoft’s documents. You can try WPS Office (https://www.wps.com/linux).
On my distribution (Debian 9.4), it presented the error:
[code language=”bash”]
morfeokmg@SW14847661:~$ wps
/usr/bin/wps: line 38: 31079 Segmentation fault ${gInstallPath}/office6/${gApp} ${gOptExt} ${gOpt} "$@"[/code]
Accord to this post, the solution is modify one configuration file (for QT), but you try this one too:
(this was on my .bashrc)
[code language=”bash”]
alias word="wps -style GTK+"
alias excel="et -style GTK+"
alias ppoint="wpp -style GTK+"
And, ready, you don’t have more errors:
these are the articles that i saw: